The idea of ESAP came from George Hubert, Jr., “Butch”. In 1993, Butch met a woman struggling to provide Catholic education for her children. Her story resonated with him and his own family’s struggles. As his efforts to aid her personally proved fruitless, he thought about all the other people in similar situations and felt a calling to help them. After talking with friends and schools, Butch founded ESAP in 2005.
The beauty of ESAP lies in its simplicity – making Catholic grade school education affordable for families in need. ESAP accomplishes this through Tuition Assistance and The Butch and Karen Hubert Scholarship Program.
TUITION ASSISTANCE – ESAP is Fostering Philanthropy through our Matching Campaign. ESAP is encouraging communities to raise funds for tuition assistance that ESAP will match 150%, up to $18,000, for schools to use for tuition assistance. ESAP also allows schools to use these Tuition Assistance funds at their discretion for Tuition Assistance.
THE BUTCH AND KAREN HUBERT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM – The Scholarship Program is a beautiful way for ESAP to recognize students for living out the very heart and principal of ESAP. Each year two seventh grade students, one boy and one girl at participating schools, are rewarded for their acts of kindness they willingly performed to make this world a better place.
The Hubert children and their families became stewards of the foundation, of this legacy of love, several years ago. We can honestly say that it is an honor and a privilege to continue the ESAP mission.